Thursday, March 29, 2007


Tuesday, November 21, 2006


As luck would have it half of the "brighton crowd" have bailed on us for various reasons unknown to man....unfortunately the driver has let us down, meaning we will not have the luxury of sleeping in the bus...nor the ability to get short notice travel arrangements made without spending a, as a result we have requested to up the numbers in Belgium and still keep it a decent tournament, but not quite the showdown of nations as originally intended. Possibly in the future we could reorganise this without getting let down, but for now this is the best solution:

I apologise if anyone has been inconvenienced or is dissapointed in this but it was not my decision nor intent.

In anycase we will still come and kick some ass.


NOTE: If anyone in Belgium has any place where we could sleep for the night that would really help us out quite a lot...there wil lbe five of us and the drivers really need to get some propper ZZZs for the journey back so not to crash the car too many times. We would only need to crash out and then we could be on our way.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The long awaited has finally arrived...

You've got to be in it to win it..innit!

On the dawn of Saturday the 26th November 2006, somewhere in a little rural sleepy village called Brighton, 11 crazy cool poker buffs shall be boarding a rather large sexy tourbus, and going on an mini adventure of tremendous exitement involving frosty mugs of strong beer, propper fries and one heck of a poker bonanza, to show what they are made of, to taste some of the famous Belgian delights and to come back with pockets full of Euros ofcoarse! Initially an idea originally conceived by several members of the Brighton poker scene, quickly turned into reality with the help of a collaboration between one enthusiastic well known brighton poker personality, and two Belgian bros. Thus after weeks of carefull planning and all the right go aheads dealt with, we can now announce the rellevant details of what is to be a wicked and wild short weekend that will be remembered by many for years to come!

Ladies and gents, I present to you the one and only:

Belgo UK Poker Championship

25-26th of November 2006.


  • The venue: details revealed upon request. We have gone to great lenghts to arrange this special venue in Dendermonde, Belgium and you will NOT be dissapointed but we are simply choosing to reveal this at a later date. There will be food, pro plus and drink available in a fantastic setting!
  • The cost: £35 entree fee ( this absolute bargain includes coach trip, petrol, ferry costs, driver fee.)
  • Minimum buy in: £20 euros but we recommend you bring minimum £40 (unless you are feeling lucky)
  • What you will need: a working pokerbrain,valid passport,comfy sleeping bag, paracetamol, enough money to play and eat/drink, and an extra ace up your sleeve. Mayonnaise available upon request.
  • What you wont need: Booze, fags, food, sleep, bottle opener, a doctors note, your mum's permission.
So far there are around 30 players signed up in total so this will be an all nighter, if you do plan on getting any sleep make sure it is before we arrive as this showdown could get quite late !!

We will be coming back on Sunday the 26th so those that wish to go back to work Monday the 27th with a hangover and a fat wallet can do so!